Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Rant on the Child Support Fiasco...

Ok, so I posted this : signing off...child support court tomorrow...betcha $10 that he doesn't show! And $50 that if he does show he gets sent straight to the basement of the courthouse (the jail). :D other words, if you take the bet and he does show I pay yo...u $10, but you owe me $50 when he gets sent to the basement! :D on FaceBook, as Brian was looking over my shoulder. He asked me that if something were to happen between us and we went our separate ways if I would post such things about him.... answer was : If you become the type of dumbass that XH is then, most definitely.

This would include Brian having to become a drug shooting, snorting, taking, smoking loser, who is constantly drunk. Not only that but he'd have to be an all around abusive jerk who likes to mess with young children. THEN NOT show up for any of the court hearings of the divorce, child support, not show up for any of the visitations, send an average of one letter a year promising to be a great father when he gets out of prison, again. Following that up with dodging child support payments & court time and time again. Getting caught, telling the judge that he now has a job, make up some half-ass employment information of an old employer, that's 900 miles down the road, does not update his sex offender registry address, threatens his 90+ year old grandmother, all while his mother calls me to tell me that he's just "confused, upset, & angry" that he doesn't get to have a relationship with his child. :doh:

If Brian was to stoop to this level of utter loserhood...someone please have me locked up somewhere nice and tight...because obviously, getting two such losers in a row means I have some pretty crappy ideas about what qualifies as a good husband & father to my children and really shouldn't be allowed out on the streets.


:doh: But yea...tomorrow is another child support hearing, where the judge will readjust his payments - based on the employer he last gave the child support case worker he should be banking on an average of $1500 a WEEK, seeing as that's what he was bringing home when he last worked for this guy. Also, working for this particular employer he'd have to be doing one of two things - either door to door sales OR working with a crew of kids, ages 12-15 - either way he's in violation of sex offender rules & regulations. :mad: AND seeing as XH is a member of the Muscogee Creek Native American tribe that means that Mikeal qualifies to also receive tribal benefits - free health care, $700 each school year for supplies & clothes, plus the possibility of scholarships to any state school of his choice, upon high school graduation...or even later in life. There's a great deal more than just that in benefits for tribal members, but I digress....

Stupid loser though isn't going to show for court, so the judge will order as she sees fit...and she likes me...she also likes Mikeal & Brian & thinks Mikaila is just the most darling little girl. :razz: So...yea...He'll be stuck with even higher child support payments, I'll be able to go around without him (I'm hoping) to get Mikeal enrolled with the tribe, then not only will county be after him for not appearing for court and not only will the state be after him for not paying child support (which has turned into a felony warrant) BUT the Creek Nation will also go after him. :D The loser is just that, a loser.


***After the court hearing***


He lives roughly 2 hours from here, by all assumptions, in the city. Now, he is a registered (supposed to be) sex offender, only problem with that is he's not updated his address with the state on that matter.

He was picked up back in June on a failure to pay child support warrant, Judge let him out a few days later because he claimed to of been working. Gave the name of a company he worked for back when he was first charged as a sex offender - the door to door sales - gave an address of 1500 Kings Rd, no city, no state....actual address is 1501 KingSchool Rd, Ironton, MO...which for this company is no big deal really that the address is outside of St Louis when XH lives in Tulsa, OK, the guy that runs the door to door sales is based there in Ironton. When I found out that information that he'd given to the case worker I gave the correct mailing address & phone number, yes it's been 6 years or so since XH worked for this guy, but I was the one that handled all the paperwork, and when one write a address and phone number roughly 100 times a week you tend to remember it. ;) That was back in July...child support case worker has YET to get confirmation one way or the other if XH works for him or not.

He also, upon being released in June, gave the case worker his new address, which I'm going to assume to be his mother's address, but I haven't gotten her address from her yet, so I can't say for sure, but she did say that her son was living with her for a while, until she caught him shooting up in her bathroom, supposedly she kicked him out, then kicked him out again a few weeks later when he came in drunk and tweeked out, knocked a hole in her wall, and she claims she made his head follow his fist - I can, in some stretch of my imagination believe that, she's perfectly capable of doing so. So he's, according to her, not living there.

Court was postponed today because they have not been able to serve him with the papers to show for was rescheduled for December 16th, I was not informed of this prior to sitting in the courtroom for 3 hours, but whatever, I did get to have a say before the judge...not that she hasn't heard this same story from me already about 4 times this year, but still, she did ask me if I knew how to get a hold of him.

It is now up to me to file a claim with the state of Missouri, in the county that he was charged in originally to let them know that XH is not living at his registered place of residence, they are then supposed to do whatever it is they do to such persons - namely issue a warrant for his arrest - bringing him up to at least 1 felony warrant for non-payment of child support, 1 felony warrant for not registering properly as a sex offender, plus other multiple misdemeanor warrants for traffic tickets, hot checks, and failures to appear before the courts. I then have to rely on the understaffed - as in multiple huge layoffs of police officers across the board in this state - to randomly come across him, have room to take him into their county or city jail, he then be transferred to this county, see this judge, have her listen to him boo hoo about how unfair life is, then she'll have to turn around and release him to the state of Missouri, where they'll give him a slap on the wrist, tell him to be sure to register, then release him either back to this county or on the streets again. I've also got to stay on top of all of this so that when/if he does get picked up I can be at the court house first thing of that morning that he sees the judge and plead with her not to allow him to be released until at least half of the past child support balance is paid, here if they're sitting in jail they're given a $5 a day credit to pay towards any fines, $.50 a day credit towards child support, at least that's the way it used to be, he owes close to $12,000.

Right now, since my XMIL started calling and begging for a relationship with Mikeal I'm playing VERY nice... :muahaha: . My plan is to play this along well enough to bait her into thinking I'd be cool with XH bringing her out to come have an unsupervised visit with Mikeal... ;) They have no clue what Brian looks like, where I live...yes she has my physical address, but to mapquest it points you out west of town instead of east of town, unless it's entered just so when doing the look up, even then, its rare that it comes up correctly. Which will then prompt me to have to meet them which case I will be sure to make arrangements to have someone pick XH up and haul his lame ass to the basement of the courthouse! :biggrin:

Yes, this is the state of the affairs of the local government, they're so badly under funded & under manned that persons like myself are forced to take some of these matters into our own hands. :doh:

I'm not too terribly concerned about the child support itself, after 6 years of not getting a dime, during which a few of those years I would of been overjoyed to just get a pack of diapers or a $20 each month, I'd have better overall peace of mind knowing that he was sitting behind a lock and key then out roaming the streets. There are times that I get to the point of being so overstressed over him being out of prison that I have borrowed shotguns from friends & family just to have it on hand in case he was to happen to show up at my door. Oklahoma has a "Make My Day" law that in short form states if someone was to come into your house, threatening you/your family you are able to "shoot them dead" without negative consequence from the law, but you do have to prove that they indeed broke in, forced their way into your house, caused you or your family physical harm, and they MUST be dead, full body inside the house. If you just wound them then you can be held for assault, if you invite them in or over then you can be held for manslaughter, but if there's a door kicked in, window broken, & the body is completely inside the house, dead then no real big deal. :bag: Yes, I have very THOROUGHLY researched this law and have on numerous occasions talked to the deputies about it, because I am THAT terrified of this man and his family. However at this time I do not own a firearm of my own, nor have I taken a gun safety course to allow me to have one in the house, but still. I learned how to shoot and fire one around the time my XH got out of prison the first time, right before I filed for the divorce. :bag:

So long story short, he and his family are career felons, they know enough people that will keep their mouths shut on such matters & not turn him in or admit to knowing where he's at. But I just also recalled that my brother lives in that part of the state...his wife works at one of the local strip clubs, and my brother, unfortunately would know persons who likely know my XH, its only a matter of time before my brother runs into him, or hears of him, and could take care of the legal matters there without me having to convince them to come out here.... **evil smirk**

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